ICOS+ Outdoor Sports

Ronaldo Gabriel

ICOS+ Outdoor Sports

Ronaldo Gabriel studied Sport Science, Physical Education, and Biomechanics at the Technical University of Lisbon and earned his PhD in 1999 from the University of Trás-os-Montes & Alto Douro (UTAD), specializing in the biomechanics of human movement.

He is currently an Associate Professor with Habilitation in the Department of Sport Sciences, Exercise, and Health at UTAD. In this role, he lectures, advises graduate and postdoctoral students, and conducts research in biomechanics and ecosomatics.

He currently focuses on exploring the health benefits of sustainable interactions with the natural environment, particularly those facilitated by nature sports. His work involves measuring exposure to nature, evaluating its outcomes, investigating underlying mechanisms, establishing causal relationships at the population level, and assessing effect sizes.

Ronaldo will be one of the key note speakers at the “Outdoor Sports, Health and Well Being” plennary session.

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